We don't just uncover vintage enamel signs and old petrol pumps. Many of our items are military related. We do a lot of research, as a result we have become accomplished amateur historians.
If you have an item that you do not want to sell, but would like to know more about, we might be able to help.
Prices start from £25. (Please note, we do not offer a valuation or estimation service).
Below is an example of the research we conducted on a WW1 memorial plaque ('Death Penny') we purchased from a man in Suffolk. The only information we had was the name on the plaque.
Pte. ERIC CECIL LAWS No.48150, was born on the 11th March 1899, Littleport, Cambridgeshire. He served with the 12th Btn. East Surrey Regiment.
On 14/10/18, he and his unit took part on an advance on German positions near the casualty clearing stations of Remy Sidings (Wippenhoek, Ypres salient, Belgium).
The first wave of the attack cost 53 British lives, which included Pte. Laws. He died 19 years of age, just 25 days before the guns fell silent, The Armistice of 11/11/18.
A copy of the commanding officer's report. Pte Laws is not named in person, but his death is accounted for in the first image, 'Casulaties 3 Officers and 50 O.R's (approx). O.R's- other ranks.
He is buried at Dadizeele New British cemetery, Moorslede, West Vlananderen, Belgium.
Over 250 German prisoners were taken by the end of the assault.
Pte Eric Cecil Law's name is included on the the Littleport war memorial Roll of Honour, located on The Green, near to the church.
This item sold to a museum in Littleport. See the original shop listing>